25 Best Vegetables For Container Gardening

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Having your own vegetable garden is fun and ensures a steady supply of fresh vegetables. However, is space limiting your dream of a beautiful vegetable space? It shouldn’t; a container garden is the solution to this problem.

You can transform your tiny yard, balcony, patio, deck, or even windowsill into a container vegetable garden. However, as you work to create a vibrant container garden, choosing the right plants is an important step.

Fortunately, you are spoilt for choice regarding veggies suitable for container gardening. To aid your quest for a vegetable garden, let’s explore the best vegetables that flourish within the cozy confines of your potted paradise.

Best Vegetables For Container Gardening

Best Vegetables for Your Container Garden

1. Tomatoes 

While tomatoes are botanically fruits, they are classified as vegetables in the cooking and cuisine realm. Also, they are a fantastic choice for container gardening. Excellent tomato choices for this type of gardening are cherry tomatoes, bush tomatoes, patio tomatoes, and tumbling tom tomatoes.

Remember that some tomato varieties need stakes or cages for support.

Hardiness zones: 4-10

Read More: The Best Companion Plants For Tomatoes

2. Peppers

Growing vegetables in pots for beginners

You can grow peppers of all kinds, shapes, and colors in containers, from bell peppers, lunchbox peppers, chili peppers, and hot peppers to mini-sweet peppers. Since peppers love sunlight, place them in spots that receive sunlight for 6-8 hours or more every day.

Hardiness zones: 9-11

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3. Lettuce

Best vegetables for container gardening in pots

Growing lettuce in containers is a breeze. While you can grow butterhead and loose-leaf lettuce varieties in small pots, find relatively larger containers for romaine lettuce. Generally, choose containers at least 6-8 inches deep and place them in partial shade, especially in hotter climates.

Consider planting lettuce in intervals (every 2-3 weeks) rather than all at once for a continuous harvest.

Hardiness zones: 4-9

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4. Onions

easy fruits and vegetables to grow in pots

Since onions have slightly shallow root systems, they do well in somewhat shallow containers, preferably at least 8-10 inches deep. These vegetables, especially green onions, are prolific, and you can continuously harvest them while they grow. Multiple onion plants can grow in a single container.

Hardiness zones: 3-8

5. Spinach

best vegetables for container gardening

Enjoy fresh spinach leaves from your container garden for salads, cooked dishes, or smoothies. You can harvest this fast-growing vegetable many times throughout its growing season. You can harvest each leaf or cut the whole plant an inch above the soil level.

Spinach varieties suitable for container growing include baby leaf spinach, Olympia spinach, tyee spinach, Bloomsdale savoy spinach, and red kitten spinach.

Hardiness zones: 2-9

6. Kale

This vegetable with nutrient-filled leaves can thrive in containers. When picking containers for growing kale, go for at least 12 inches deep to accommodate kale’s deep roots and wide enough to allow for multiple plants or room for the kale to spread.

Hardiness zones: 7-10

7. Radishes

best vegetables for container gardening

The containers you choose to grow your radishes depend on the variety. For instance, French Breakfast and Easter Mix need at least 6-inch-deep pots, while larger varieties like Beauty Heart radish require at least 12-14-inch deep containers.

This rapidly growing vegetable can be ready to harvest in as little as 3-4 weeks.

Hardiness zones: 2-10

8. Carrots

vegetables for container gardening

For optimum harvest, grow small carrot varieties in containers- you can harvest plenty of carrots from one container. For instance, 20 to 25 carrots can grow in a 5-gallon pot. Short or round carrots are ideal for shallower containers. Carrots typically reach harvest readiness 60-80 days after you plant them.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

9. Green Beans

cheap container vegetable gardening ideas

The compact growth habit of green beans, also called snap beans or string beans, makes them ideal for container growing. Look for varieties labeled as bush or dwarf beans, and pick a larger pot if you’re growing multiple plants.

Although green beans do not usually require support, stakes or a short trellis can help keep them upright and tidy.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

10. Eggplant

vegetables for container gardening

Eggplants love heat and sunlight, so pick the hottest part of your home to grow them. They also have extensive root systems, so provide ample space- choose a large container, at least 5 gallons, with a diameter of about 18-24 inches to grow eggplants.

Hardiness zones: 5-12

11. Zucchini

easy vegetables to grow in pots for beginners


Although zucchinis require a bit more space due to its sprawling nature, you can have a rewarding experience with an abundant harvest from growing them in containers. Look for compact or bush zucchinis for container planting.

Harvest them when young and tender, usually about 6-8 inches long.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

12. Beets

The Best Vegetables for Containers

Beets are not only delicious and earthy but also highly nutritious, packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. This versatile vegetable can flourish in containers, provided the pots are 8-12 inches deep and grown in loose, well-draining, rich soil.

Hardiness zones: 2-10

13. Bok Choy

easy fruits and vegetables to grow in pots

Containers are your best choice for growing Bok Choy if you have limited space or wish to have better control over their growing conditions. Grow this vegetable in at least 8-12 inch deep containers that are also wide enough to accommodate multiple plants and support better growth.

Hardiness zones: 2-11

14. Okra

easy vegetables to grow in pots for beginners

As long as you give the okras growing in containers proper attention and care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest once the pods reach 2-4 inches long. Harvest okra pods frequently, preferably every 2-3 days when still tender, to encourage more pod production.

Hardiness zones: 7-11

15. Cabbage

best fruits and vegetables for container gardening

Cabbages come in various varieties, but regarding the best types for container growing, choose dwarf or baby varieties. To ensure your cabbages grow healthy, use properly sized containers (wide and at least 8-12 inches deep) and pay extra attention to feeding and watering.

Hardiness zones: 2-11

16. Broccoli

growing vegetables in pots for beginners

Do you enjoy the earthy taste and crunchy texture of broccoli? Grow it in containers for a steady supply of this nutritious vegetable. Broccoli thrives in cooler temperatures but still requires plenty of sunlight for optimal growth, so choose the location wisely- preferably a spot that receives full sunlight.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

17. Cauliflower

cheap container vegetable gardening ideas


Compact varieties of cauliflowers thrive in large pots, so consider adding this wonderful vegetable to your container garden. However, choose a wide, large container at least 18 inches.

Also, shield the cauliflower from extreme heat by providing shade during the hottest parts of the day to prevent it from turning bitter or bolting.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

18. Celery

best vegetables for container gardening

The long celery taproots require deep containers, at least 12-16 inches deep, for proper growth. This vegetable is a heavy feeder, so provide regular feedings with a balanced fertilizer or organic compost throughout the growing season.

Hardiness zones: 2-10

19. Mustard Greens

vegetables for container garden

This versatile vegetable with a peppery taste takes around 30 days to mature and be ready for harvest. While mustard greens have slightly shallow roots, giving them space to spread wouldn’t hurt, so grow them in containers at least 6-12 inches deep. Mustard greens grow quickly, and you can harvest them multiple times.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

20. Swiss Chard

growing vegetables in pots for beginners

This spinach or beet-looking versatile leafy green vegetable is rich in vitamins A, K, and C and minerals like magnesium and potassium. But that is not all; it has colorful stems and large, dark green leaves, making it visually appealing and an excellent ornamental addition to your garden.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

21. Potatoes

easy fruits and vegetables to grow in pots


It is easy to grow potatoes in containers. In fact, doing so offers flexibility, especially if you have limited garden space. You can use a large pot, a fabric grow bag, a plastic container, or even a specialized potato grow bag. Water your potatoes daily to encourage high yield.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

22. Garlic

Easiest vegetables to grow from seed in pots

Buy garlic bulbs specifically for planting, break the bulbs into individual cloves, but keep the papery skin on each clove, then plant them in a container filled with potting mix. Although it takes months before your garlic plants mature, you can cut the garlic leaves for cooking while you wait.

Hardiness zones: 3-9

22. Kohlrabi

easy fruits and vegetables to grow in pots

The popularity of this unique, versatile vegetable has been growing in recent years, especially among people interested in unique and diverse produce. If you enjoy its taste, why not add it to your container garden? Sow kohlrabi seeds or transplant seedlings into the container.

Hardiness zones: 3-10

24. Cucumbers

Fast growing vegetables in pots

The best kind of cucumbers to grow in containers are dwarf or bush varieties since this vegetable has an extensive root system. Ensure your cucumber plants get full sun daily because they love warmth and sunlight. Keep the soil moist, watch out for pests, and fertilize adequately since cucumbers are heavy feeders.

Hardiness zones: 4-11

25. Turnips

Best vegetables to grow in pot

Another vegetable to consider for your container garden is turnips. This versatile vegetable has plenty of uses; you can make roasted, mashed, fried, and pickled turnips, pickled turnips, turnip gratin, or turnip greens. Plant turnips by sowing the seeds directly into the container at the recommended depth (around ½ inch deep).

Keep in mind that turnips don’t require excessive feeding but benefit from a balanced fertilizer or compost added during planting.

Hardiness zones: 3-9

Final Remarks

This marks the end of our list of the best vegetables for your container garden. Pick the ones you like, and remember to consider the container size, drainage, quality potting mix, sunlight, and watering needs for each vegetable. This way, you increase the odds for an abundant harvest and a successful container garden right from home.

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