Why Is My Succulent Dying?

Succulents are naturally resilient, low-maintenance, and drought-resistant plants. With those qualities growing them should be pretty easy, and you don’t need to work so hard to keep them alive, right? Well, these plants can indeed withstand harsh conditions, but they can also die. Seeing your succulents dying is disheartening, especially if you love these stunning … Read more

Common Problems With Succulent Propagation

Succulents certainly make our world better, and if you already have these chubby, beautiful, and resilient plants in your garden, yard, or indoors, you’ll want to add more. While you could buy more succulents, why not propagate them yourself? These plants’ ability to reproduce and propagate lets you expand your succulent collection without buying new … Read more

How to Make Snake Plants Grow Taller and Straight

The goal is to have the biggest, tallest, stunning snake plant towering and beautifying your home with its upright, sword-like foliage that appears in a rosette-like arrangement. However, how can you make your snake plants grow taller and straight? This hardy plant can tolerate a lot of neglect and still look aesthetically appealing. However, sometimes, … Read more

How to Care for Indoor Snake Plants

With its striking appearance and low-maintenance requirements, the snake plant has earned its reputation as an excellent choice for beginners and seasoned plant lovers. So whether you are looking for a succulent for your garden, indoor spaces, balcony, or anywhere else that could use some green, snake plant is worth considering. Besides their striking appearance, … Read more

Why Are My Succulent Leaves Falling Off?

Succulents like the Christmas Cactus produce beautiful, striking flowers, but the leaves are these plants’ main attraction. The leaves are thick, fleshy and come in different colors, making succulents truly unique and sought-after plants. Considering the importance of a succulent’s leaves, seeing them fall off is the last thing you’d want to happen to your … Read more

Are Snake Plants Toxic To Dogs?

While having plants at home, indoors or outdoors, is nothing new, their popularity has grown tremendously in recent years. Many people keep plants today; I bet you have some in your home. Plants are timeless and beautiful and come in various types and forms. However, while you have plenty of options, selecting the right plants … Read more

Why Is My Snake Plant Drooping?

You know something is up with your Snake plant if its dark green, sword-like, thick, fleshy, upright leaves are drooping. Typically, its leaves shoot up and grow vertically, a characteristic that plays a role in its distinct appearance. Why is your snake plant drooping? A drooping snake plant could be due to several reasons. It … Read more

How To Water Succulents Without Drainage

So, you found beautiful pots that would complement your home’s aesthetics, and now you wonder whether you can grow your succulents in them. Succulents are mostly easy-go plants that even beginners can manage to keep alive. However, one thing you must absolutely get right is watering. You can easily overwater your succulents and even kill … Read more

Succulents Identification Chart

Unlock the mysteries of succulent identification with our ultimate chart! Are you a budding plant enthusiast, but find yourself struggling to differentiate between a Haworthia and an Echeveria? Look no further! We’ve curated a comprehensive and visually stunning succulents identification chart that will revolutionize your plant game From the charming rosette shapes of Sempervivum to … Read more

How To Tell If You Have Overwatered Your Succulents

Regarding caring for succulents, overwatering is something you will quickly learn you must not do. Succulents are happy-go plants, surviving even harsh conditions, but that does not mean overwatering them is okay. Succulents’ native homes are typically arid areas that do not receive much rain and are well-adapted to these tough conditions. Their stems, leaves, … Read more